Battle of Britain 50p

Battle Of Britain 50p coin worth?

Based on our research, the current coin collector value for this coin is as follows:

Coin VariantCollector Value
Circulated : Mintage 5,900,000 (Scarcity = Common)£1.00
Brilliant Uncirculated (Royal Mint Pack) Mintage: 35,199£17.00

Prices are averages based on our eBay sold item research. Postage Fees may be charged in addition to the selling price.

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Coin Specification
Diameter27.30 mm
Weight8.00 g
Thickness1.78 mm
CompositionCupro-nickel (75% copper, 25% nickel)
Reverse DesignerGary Breeze
Mintage (Scarcity)5,900,000
Price£8.00 on day of release

Battle of Britain coin design variants

There are three known variants of the Battle of Britain fifty pence coins from 2015 (four if you count the the re-issue in 2019).

  1. 2015 Circulated Coins feature the updated portrait of The Queen by Jody Clark, with the initials J.C and show the coin denomination in text “FIFTY PENCE
  2. 2015 Brilliant Uncirculated Coins issued as part of the definitive coin sets and not intended for circulation show the initials IRB, which denotes the designer Ian Rank-Broadley and showing the fourth portrait of Queen Elizabeth II and without denomination (the 50 PENCE wording is missing).
  3. 2015 Silver Proof variant features the newer portrait of Queen Elizabeth II by Jody Clark and also has no denomination stated on the coin.

The NIFC versions (#2 and 3) which were not intended for circulation, are sometimes found in pocket change where someone used it as a regular fifty pence coin by mistake. You will see that Youtuber’s who do UK coin hunt videos will check for this each time they find The Battle of Britain 50p in a coin bag hunt.

2015 Brilliant Uncirculated Coin

Brilliant Uncirculated Coin Pack
  • The only official coin for the 75th anniversary
  • Fascinating display coin pack complete with poster
  • Explore the stories of the Battle of Britain

2015 Battle of Britain 50p BU PNC

Battle of Britain 50p PNC
Battle of Britain 50p PNC
  • Philatelic Numismatic Cover (coin with stamps)
  • Product code: UKBOBPNC
  • Price: £15.95 on the day of release

2015 Battle of Britain Silver Proof Coin

2015 Battle of Britain Silver Proof Coin
Silver Proof Coin
  • Product Code: UK15BBSP
  • Price: £50.00 on the day of release

2015 Battle of Britain Silver Proof Piedfort Coin

2015 Battle of Britain Silver Proof Piedfort Coin
Silver Proof Piedfort Coin
  • Twice the thickness of the regular silver proof coin
  • Product Code: UK15BBPF
  • Price: £50.00 on the day of release

2015 Battle of Britain Gold Proof Coin

2015 Battle of Britain Gold Proof Coin
Gold Proof Coin
  • Product Code: UK15BBGP
  • Price: £675.00 on the day of release

How rare is the Battle of Britain 50p?

The Battle of Britain 50p has a rare coin rating of common based on 5,900,000 coins minted for general circulation.

Mintage figures for all variants include:

Coins In Circulation5,900,000
Brilliant Uncirculated (BU)35,199
Silver Proof LEP2,839
Gold Proof389

LEP = Limited Edition Presentation / MCM = Maximum Coin Mintage (the difference available for other presentations such as proof coin sets or coin and book sets)

Their Finest Hour – an official UK 50p remembers the Battle of Britain.

battle of britain coins

Honouring those who fought for control of the skies 75 years ago (in 2015).

In the summer of 1940 Britain faced the threat of invasion. It would fall to brave young pilots and their crews to protect the country’s defences – the Battle of Britain had begun. It was their finest hour – who can imagine the world today if they had failed in their task? Now, 75 years later (in 2015), we honour the few with a commemorative 50p, the only official United Kingdom coin to be struck for this anniversary.

In 1940 France had fallen, and crossing the English Channel to continue the domination of Europe was the objective of Hitler’s ‘Operation Sea lion’. For Hitler to succeed Britain’s defences would have to be weakened. Fighters and bombers took to the air on both sides, winning the aerial battle above Britain would be a key victory to secure.

The pilots had an average age of 21. They flew aircraft like the Spitfire and the Hurricane with skill and determination. Many pilots and their crews were lost in the Battle of Britain, but the Royal Air Force ultimately prevailed, turning Hitler’s sights from our shores. We would live in a very different Britain today had they not succeeded. You can explore the stories of the Battle of Britain in the colourful display pack that houses the commemorative UK 50p struck to honour the 75th anniversary of this important battle. It is the only official coin to be released, and with its design showing airmen scrambling to their planes, not heeding the danger looming above, it truly echoes the spirit of the summer of 1940.

Designer inspiration

Gary Breeze is a sculptor working in stone and wood with major commissions found throughout the United Kingdom, including the Bali Bombing Memorial at Horse Guards Road, London and the Christ Church Cloister fountain in Oxford. Other notable work can be seen at the Scottish Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Chatsworth Gardens and The Victoria and Albert Museum as well as many universities and schools.

Gary continues to exhibit widely and was awarded the first Jerwood Contemporary Makers prize in 2008. That same year he won the prestigious Leverhulme Trust award for an artist residency at the University of Southampton department of Archaeology. This is his first coin for The Royal Mint.

In some ways the Battle of Britain appeals to our innate joy at winning against tremendous odds. I wanted to celebrate that in one sense. But I think that remembering the cost of war is more relevant today. I spent a good deal of time concentrating on the machines at first, but the aircraft didn’t say enough about the sacrifice of life or the meaning of the Battle today. My workshop consists of a small design team, which includes my brother Lee Breeze – he thought of the idea of focusing on the people rather than the machines of war.

My original design incorporated the quotation from Churchill – “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few”. The Few seemed like a great point of focus for this, and the scrambling airmen, running with enthusiasm to their potential deaths to protect us is an evocative image.

Coming towards the men is a swarm of aircraft. I’ve always recalled my Grandfather talking of the skies being dark because there were so many bombers. I believe he was in fact talking about our own planes flying out, but I wanted to illustrate that threat and sense of danger.

I would like people to be reminded of the selfless sacrifice of the Few. The airmen run away from us. They don’t walk slowly to their fate, and we may never see them again.”